Leslie Eckert: How do I get bigger triceps

Leslie Eckert is a certified personal Yoga & fitness trainer from Boston. Leslie Eckert has over 10 years of experience and leadership in the fitness industry. He is sharing useful information on bigger triceps.

Before we begin with this triceps routine you have to remember that these exercises are not that unique.

It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it that’s going to benefit you when doing this triceps workout.

Triceps are one muscle group that often takes a back seat when gym goers go in to train arms.

Your triceps make up two thirds of your arms so it makes sense to train them just as hard as biceps in order to build pistol size arms.

The other benefit to building bigger and stronger triceps is that they will help you perform better when doing pressing movements such as benching, pushups, etc.

The following workout is performed to get bigger triceps.

1 Dumbbell Kickbacks : Place the your knee on one side of a flat bench and with your right arm hold the dumbbell close to your body and kick back holding the weight for a 2 second isometric pause and squeeze as hard as you can at the top of the movement. Lower the weight with a 3 second eccentric movement and repeat for a total of 12 reps.

2 Incline Bench Dumbbell Triceps Extension: Lay on an incline bench and grab a pair of light dumbbells. As you move to the concentric (top) portion of the movement, contract as hard as you can with a 1 second isometric squeeze. Then lower the weight using a 3 second eccentric and pause for 2 seconds at the bottom. You’ll notice a pulling sensation at the bottom of the movement when done right.

3 Flat Bench Dumbbell Triceps Extension: Lay on a flat bench and using the same dumbbells Extend your arms keeping your elbows facing the mirror the whole time and squeeze at the top applying a 2 second isometric pause.

Visit other link for Leslie : https://www.wattpad.com/user/Leslie-Eckert


Leslie Eckert – Best ways to keep your body fit

Leslie Eckert instructs and assists people for the purpose of reaching personal health and fitness goals by following regular exercises and diet plan. In this post Leslie Eckert is sharing how people can keep their body fit by consuming good food.

For your body fitness, Eating properly is an important part. To maintain good fitness requires careful attention to both diet and exercise. Nutritious food is no substitute for physical activity, but what you eat plays a vital role in developing a strong and healthy body.

Consume foods that deliver exceptional nutritional benefits:  If your aim is fitness as well as general good health, consider eating foods that deliver extra energy, antioxidants, calcium, or heart-healthy fats and proteins.

• Dried fruits, sweet potatoes, and bananas deliver complex carbohydrates that will help you efficiently store and use energy.

• Broccoli and other green vegetables, tomatoes, blueberries, and cocoa all contain antioxidants that remove cell-damaging free radicals from your blood.

• Milk and green vegetables provide calcium to ensure healthy bones.

Choose high fiber foods. Dietary fiber is found in a wide variety of foods, so adding this important element to your diet may be easier than you imagine. Try high-fiber cereals, beans, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and fruits

Prepare for a workout by eating a snack. Eating a snack that consists of a complex carbohydrate and a protein source is a great way to prepare for a workout.

Consume protein after exercising to help your muscles recover and grow. Good sources of protein include fish, poultry, meat, nuts, beans, seeds, lentils, soy, and milk products.

Also Visit : https://www.slideshare.net/Leslie-Eckert/leslie-eckert-how-to-be-healthy


Leslie Eckert: How to Be Healthy

Leslie Eckert is fitness professional in the field of fitness and exercise. Leslie Eckert is sharing few important points that will help people to manage their healthy life style.

Many people think that being healthy is a difficult task, involving months of dieting accompanied by hours at the gym. However, this is not actually true. By controlling your daily activities, anyone can remain healthy. It’s not as hard as you might think.

Drink more water. Develop a habit to drink more water in a day. Adult humans should drink 2-3 liters of water per day while children should drink 1-2 liters. Water keeps bodies at the correct temperature and removes toxins that are the inevitable result of metabolism and industrial life.

Eat breakfast. Do not skip your breakfast. Light, healthy breakfast is sufficient enough to reap the benefits of eating early. Research shows that breakfast-skippers actually eat more! So, to curb your appetite, don’t skip the first meal of the day. The healthier your breakfast is, the more energized you’ll feel throughout the day and the more you won’t need to eat later in the day.

Eat well throughout the day. Eat something in a whole day. Three time meals are not sufficient to be healthy.

Maintain a healthy weight: It is necessary to maintain our weight. Our physical frames vary in size and weight. An individual with a large frame can carry a little more weight while a person with a light frame will be able to carry less.

Manage stress. Try to manage your stress. When stress takes over our lives, everything else falls apart. Our homes get cluttered, our minds get cluttered, and our relationships get strained. A very healthy way of managing stress is doing yoga. Sit with yourself and just breathe. Make a point to get centered every day.

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Leslie Eckert-what does a healthy diet consist of?

Leslie Eckert: What does a healthy diet consist of

Leslie Eckert is a certified personal Yoga & fitness trainer from Boston. Leslie Eckert has over 10 years of experience and leadership in the fitness industry.

A healthy diet to be followed is to
1. Eat your local food
2. Eat in season
3. Eat home food
4. Eat healthy alternatives if you eat out.

By eating local food, I mean that you should eat fruits and vegetables grown near you. E.g cherries are healthier if you are eating them in Kashmir instead of eating them in Kerala. Mangoes are better to eat in India than eating the imported ones in America. Eating local food is the healthiest.

Eat in season. If it’s not the season for Mousambi (sweet lime), don’t go fetching for them since they are clearly not the healthiest option. If it’s not the season for carrots (since they mostly come in winters), don’t eat it in summers. If it is grown in that season, there has to be a reason. Go with that flow.

Eat as much home food as you can. Outside food, no matter how healthy it is, will have more oil and other ingredients you do not need. Home food is the healthiest (and the yummiest)!

Eating healthy alternatives is something I follow religiously when I eat out. Like eating a steak instead of a burger will give you way more protein and fiber.

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Leslie Eckert: How to improve fitness

Leslie Eckert is a Yoga and fitness trainer. Leslie Eckert instructs and assists people for the purpose of reaching personal health and fitness goals by following regular exercises and diet plan.

How to Stay Fit and Healthy: Health is Wealth’s a very famous proverb! And yes, this proverb is absolutely correct. Money is important for this materialistic world and desires but to enjoy your hard earned money, you need to be healthy. You may collect a lot of money, can become super rich but if your body is not healthy then this money may be of no use to you. To enjoy life in real terms you need to have a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. If your body remains diseased you cannot enjoy the things you have. So, in real terms, Health is the real Wealth.

Let us check some Ways following which you can be healthy from mind as well as body. Check them out and add them to your daily life routine.

1. Exercise : Exercises are must and the most important thing if you really want to be fit and healthy. Exercises have a great effect on the metabolism of the body. There are numerous health benefits that you can gain by following a regular Exercise regime. Exercises help you to stay in shape and tone up your muscles.

2. Meditate : Mediation is another very important thing to stay healthy. The world has become very competitive. Our job deadlines, irregular eating habits, junk foods, and long working hours adds to stress levels. If this stress keeps accumulating in your mind it will start creating toxic in your bodies. You will feel low on energy and quality of life degrades. So, keeping a check on Stress and eliminating it from the mind is very important. No other thing than mediation can be so effective. Meditation soothes our mind, relaxes the tensed muscles, stops our negative thoughts.

3. Practice Yoga : Yoga can help you attain the overall mind and body fitness you wish to have. Yoga will also give you internal peace. Yoga needs to be done with rhythm, there are a lot of bodies poses ion Yoga. You can learn and practice them one by one. You should wear light clothes while doing yoga and the body should be in a relaxed state. The mind should not have random running thoughts. Try to calm your thoughts. Yoga will help you to get in shape and stay disease free.

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Leslie Eckert: Reason for fatness and ways to lose it.

The usual reason to get fat is people eat too much and exercise too little. if we check today’s life of people so everyone is quite busy in their work and they did not get proper time for exercise and get fat. If you consume high amounts of energy but do not burn off the energy through excercise or by the physical activity, so much of the energy will be stores by the body as a fat.

Today people prefer fast food and by having it they invites to lots of problems and diseases in their life.

Leslie Eckert is dedicated fitness trainer who’s aim is to see everyone physically fit.
Leslie try to advice everyone and shares her tips that can help people to become fit in their life. she sometimes organise seminar’s where she lectures on various types of problemes and try to educate people with useful information.

Leslie Eckert has over 15 year of experience, she has expertization in yoga, diet plan, and fitness training. she is lisiting in this post how we can keep ourself fit, if we do take proper diet and plan our routine diet that what we should eat , what not ?

These nutrients are necessary for the body to function properly.

  1. Carbohydrates

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2. Protein

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3. Fat

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4. Vitamins

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5. Minerals

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6. Water

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Also visit : https://www.slideshare.net/Leslie-Eckert

Leslie Eckert : Health Benefits of Yoga in Daily Life

Leslie Eckert instruct and assist people for the purpose of reaching personal health and fitness goals by regular excersices and diet plan. Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, good health – whatever you may be looking for, yoga has it on offer. Here, we can have a look at the top benefits of Yoga:

1. Yoga for all-round fitness –This is where yoga helps: postures, pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation are a holistic fitness package. Some very discernible ones are:

• Improves health

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• Gives mental strength

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• Improves physical strength

woman silhouette at sunset

• Protection from injury

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2. Yoga for weight loss: Yoga helps here too. Sun Salutations and Kapalbhati pranayama help lose weight with yoga.

3. Yoga for stress relief: A few minutes of yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress

4. Yoga for inner peace: We all love to visit peaceful, serene spots, rich in natural beauty. Yoga is also one of the best ways to calm a disturbed mind.

5. Yoga to improve immunity: breathing techniques and meditation release stress and improve immunity.

6. Yoga for better flexibility & posture: Yoga must become part of your daily routine to get a body that is strong, supple and flexible.

Remember, yoga is a continuous process. So keep practicing! The deeper you go into your yoga practice, the more profound will be its benefits.

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Leslie Eckert : Tips to Practice Yoga at Home

Leslie Eckert is a Yoga and fitness trainer. She like to educated people about yoga and health benifits of yoga. Daily yoga practice at home can help you stay healthy. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you prepare yourself for a fun yoga practice at home.

1: Choose a convenient time : Practicing yoga in the morning is generally considered to be the best as it keeps energy levels high during the day.

2: Choose a comfortable place : It would be best to have a small, private room in your house for daily yoga practice. Over time, your practices will create positive vibrations in the room, providing healing, strength and comfort to you and others at home.

3: Practice on a relatively empty stomach : Yoga postures are always best practiced on a light or empty stomach. You can practice yoga poses and meditate about 2-3 hours after your meal.

4: Keep your yoga wear simple : Go for loose, comfortable clothing – you wouldn’t want tight body-hugging outfits coming in the way of doing some wide stretches!

5: Warm up before doing intense yoga postures : This is an absolute must, else you may be at risk of straining your muscles. Start by warming up your body and do a few body stretches to bring flexibility, before moving on to more intense yoga postures.

6: Be consistent : It is very important to be regular with your yoga practice – make it a part of your daily schedule and then it would be easier to make it a habit.

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Food is essential for our bodies :

• develop, replace and repair cells and tissues;

• produce energy to keep warm, move and work;

• carry out chemical processes such as the digestion of food;

• protect against, resist and fight infection and recover from sickness.

Food is made up of nutrients. Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are needed only in small amounts. Macronutrients such as carbohydrates, protein and fat are needed in larger amounts. The body cannot function properly if one or more nutrients are missing. A healthy and balanced diet provides foods in the right amounts and combinations that are safe and free from disease and harmful substances.

Eating well means eating a variety of foods. No single food contains all the nutrients that our bodies need. Eating a variety of different foods will supply the nutrients that are essential for our bodies. By taking care to choose foods that are in season and locally available, eating can be enjoyable, healthy and affordable.

There are things that we should add in our Balanced Diet :

Eat staple foods with every meal :

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Eat legumes if possible every day :

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Eat animal and milk products regularly :

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Eat vegetables and fruit every day :

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Drink plenty of clean and safe water :

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