Leslie Eckert : Tips to Practice Yoga at Home

Leslie Eckert is a Yoga and fitness trainer. She like to educated people about yoga and health benifits of yoga. Daily yoga practice at home can help you stay healthy. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you prepare yourself for a fun yoga practice at home.

1: Choose a convenient time : Practicing yoga in the morning is generally considered to be the best as it keeps energy levels high during the day.

2: Choose a comfortable place : It would be best to have a small, private room in your house for daily yoga practice. Over time, your practices will create positive vibrations in the room, providing healing, strength and comfort to you and others at home.

3: Practice on a relatively empty stomach : Yoga postures are always best practiced on a light or empty stomach. You can practice yoga poses and meditate about 2-3 hours after your meal.

4: Keep your yoga wear simple : Go for loose, comfortable clothing – you wouldn’t want tight body-hugging outfits coming in the way of doing some wide stretches!

5: Warm up before doing intense yoga postures : This is an absolute must, else you may be at risk of straining your muscles. Start by warming up your body and do a few body stretches to bring flexibility, before moving on to more intense yoga postures.

6: Be consistent : It is very important to be regular with your yoga practice – make it a part of your daily schedule and then it would be easier to make it a habit.

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