Leslie Eckert – Best ways to keep your body fit

Leslie Eckert instructs and assists people for the purpose of reaching personal health and fitness goals by following regular exercises and diet plan. In this post Leslie Eckert is sharing how people can keep their body fit by consuming good food.

For your body fitness, Eating properly is an important part. To maintain good fitness requires careful attention to both diet and exercise. Nutritious food is no substitute for physical activity, but what you eat plays a vital role in developing a strong and healthy body.

Consume foods that deliver exceptional nutritional benefits:  If your aim is fitness as well as general good health, consider eating foods that deliver extra energy, antioxidants, calcium, or heart-healthy fats and proteins.

• Dried fruits, sweet potatoes, and bananas deliver complex carbohydrates that will help you efficiently store and use energy.

• Broccoli and other green vegetables, tomatoes, blueberries, and cocoa all contain antioxidants that remove cell-damaging free radicals from your blood.

• Milk and green vegetables provide calcium to ensure healthy bones.

Choose high fiber foods. Dietary fiber is found in a wide variety of foods, so adding this important element to your diet may be easier than you imagine. Try high-fiber cereals, beans, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and fruits

Prepare for a workout by eating a snack. Eating a snack that consists of a complex carbohydrate and a protein source is a great way to prepare for a workout.

Consume protein after exercising to help your muscles recover and grow. Good sources of protein include fish, poultry, meat, nuts, beans, seeds, lentils, soy, and milk products.

Also Visit : https://www.slideshare.net/Leslie-Eckert/leslie-eckert-how-to-be-healthy


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