Leslie Eckert: How do I get bigger triceps

Leslie Eckert is a certified personal Yoga & fitness trainer from Boston. Leslie Eckert has over 10 years of experience and leadership in the fitness industry. He is sharing useful information on bigger triceps.

Before we begin with this triceps routine you have to remember that these exercises are not that unique.

It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it that’s going to benefit you when doing this triceps workout.

Triceps are one muscle group that often takes a back seat when gym goers go in to train arms.

Your triceps make up two thirds of your arms so it makes sense to train them just as hard as biceps in order to build pistol size arms.

The other benefit to building bigger and stronger triceps is that they will help you perform better when doing pressing movements such as benching, pushups, etc.

The following workout is performed to get bigger triceps.

1 Dumbbell Kickbacks : Place the your knee on one side of a flat bench and with your right arm hold the dumbbell close to your body and kick back holding the weight for a 2 second isometric pause and squeeze as hard as you can at the top of the movement. Lower the weight with a 3 second eccentric movement and repeat for a total of 12 reps.

2 Incline Bench Dumbbell Triceps Extension: Lay on an incline bench and grab a pair of light dumbbells. As you move to the concentric (top) portion of the movement, contract as hard as you can with a 1 second isometric squeeze. Then lower the weight using a 3 second eccentric and pause for 2 seconds at the bottom. You’ll notice a pulling sensation at the bottom of the movement when done right.

3 Flat Bench Dumbbell Triceps Extension: Lay on a flat bench and using the same dumbbells Extend your arms keeping your elbows facing the mirror the whole time and squeeze at the top applying a 2 second isometric pause.

Visit other link for Leslie : https://www.wattpad.com/user/Leslie-Eckert


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